Thursday, March 23, 2006

How Can You Create Authentic Power Within You?

First of all, it doesn’t happen right away.

To align your personality with your soul does not happen right away…just because you want it to. It takes lots of time. Every time you set your mind to: create harmony, cooperate, and show and keep reverence for life—you begin the process. It works slowly, step by step.

The more you align your personality with your soul, the more you naturally do what is in your heart. Doing this means, listening to your heart, this in turn means that you are more towards your way of spirituality. Then your life will have full meaning and happiness. It is in this way that you create authentic power.

What is Authentic Power? It means unity of the spirit with your soul and personality. An authentically empowered person lives with love. Love is the intention of the soul. Love is power. Love heals everything.

A good example of love is Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that He loved the world so much that he died on the cross to save sinners.

Spirituality is not of any religion or race. Everyone should believe in God without doubts and believe that God loves everyone, poor and rich, small and old alike.

To know spirituality we should evolve in spirit. The truly evolved person cares for others more than self. Authentic empowerment is the goal of evolution. When a person stretches beyond his five senses and explores, believes and experiences what is termed the “sixth sense”, it is the beginning of his spiritual evolution.

What is the sixth sense? It means that human beings are not alone. The evolved person will understand that he or she is not alone: God’s spirit is within them. If you pay attention to every step you take, there is God’s guidance in there. Everyone has the sixth sense, it is God’s gift for everyone. However, only few people recognize it. It is always good to pay attention, to get help, when it is there for you.

The sixth sense is always your to enjoy. Be thankful to God for a beautiful gift that helps everyone to maintain life in this world and helps us prepare for the next life.
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