Saturday, March 17, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007

When you are Suffering with Illness: What Thoughts Come to Mind?

The Miracle of Christ Healing the Blind by El Greco

Over the past four months, I have been ill with different physical ailments. This is why I have not posted as often as I had intended to do on this blog.

When I am ill, I always turn to God in prayer. And He always listens to my prayers, providing me with a great deal of help.

For a few days during my suffering, I had such thoughts as these: “Why God? Why? Since my childhood days—when I’d known any knowledge of the world and of Heaven and God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, I was and still am very faithful to you. Why must there be so much suffering for me?”

Then I opened the Bible, and the following verses came before my eyes:
Book of John, Ch 9: 1-3

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
1As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth.
2His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
3"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.

After reading this passage, I felt so good and then I pondered how so many people are suffering different problems; it’s not that they sinned or were cursed by anybody--many people sadly believe this. Everyone should instead be comforted by those words from Jesus Christ listed above.

Others might think differently, when you are sick they might say “Why is this person sick all the time? Maybe God is punishing them.” These words are nothing to you. Don’t let the negative words of others bother you. Keep on praying. Don’t leave your faith.

For this reason, I’d like you to read Proverbs Ch 3: 11-12
11 My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline
and do not resent his rebuke,
12 because the LORD disciplines those he loves,
as a father [a] the son he delights in.

Trust in the lord with all your heart, even when you are very ill or must face any kind of problem. Believe in God. God loves you so much. Trust the reason that your difficulties can teach others how to be faithful. And remember that God can do wondrous miracles on anybody at anytime, if you believe in and have faith in Him.

May God bless you!
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