Thursday, September 02, 2004

Miracle at Birth

It was a beautiful summer morning, according to the couple that was about to have their fourth baby. To add to their joy (for they had been blessed three times before), a baby girl was born early that morning at about 5:30 am. The newborn baby was healthy and in her parents’ eyes, very beautiful. The midwife, who attended the delivery, also happened to be the baby’s grandmother. Everyone was quite happy that the delivery went well and busily resumed performing their chores, however they neglected to notice a very serious occurrence that was evolving in that delivery room.

Mercifully, there was someone who did notice. Over in the next room, the baby’s eldest sister, Karuna was very anxious to see her new baby sister, even though she already had another younger sister. She quietly tiptoed to the window and peered through to get a glimpse of the baby. To her surprise and horror, she noticed that blood was gushing out from the newborn’s umbilical cord much like how water spews out from a fountain. Horrified, Karuna immediately brought this matter to the attention of everyone who was there.

The midwife immediately took action and the bleeding stopped. It turned out that the baby’s umbilical cord was not clamped properly; somehow it had loosened, prompting the bleeding. The midwife, a senior who was well loved and respected, and quite loving to others, performed many successful deliveries before. The baby’s start in life on this earth could have had disastrous consequences. Almost all of the nutrients and blood was lost but for some reason the baby survived and the parents were truly grateful for this blessing.

Actually the newborn baby was me and that midwife was in fact my grandmother. I was the 4th child in my family. Many times I wonder why that happened to me at that age? In the first few moments of my life. It has prompted me to ask: “What is the purpose of my life on the earth?” After many years of going through life’s ups and downs, I got some understanding that my purpose on this earth is to learn and be closer to God.

Since the time I knew any snippet of knowledge of this world and of the God, I have been keen to learn all I can about God and his miracles. I still wonder after all that happened at my birth (instead of dying), God’s protection was there for me. God sent my sister to see me and tell everyone to come and help me. It just strengthens my belief that, God must have a purpose for everyone on the earth. Everyone should understand according to their experiences and try to live closer to God.
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