(1) Be yourself and be happy about who you are.
(2) A flower unseen blooms just as beautifully and smells just as sweet.
So don’t worry.
Thoughts and Observations on Spirituality from a Christian Perspective.
"Silent Meditations" was once lovingly and diligently written by darling mother and wife, and the love of our lives: the late Susee Mable (Chanty) Anandaraju (née Benjamin/Mylabathula). This blog is now maintained in tribute to her life and legacy, in loving memory by the Anandaraju Family.
I Corinthians 3:16: Don’t you know that you yourself are God’s temple and that God’s spirit lives in you?This passage means that whatever you ask for in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. Whenever you do pray, forgive if you have anything against anyone, so that your father also forgives you. Jesus Christ’s mission is to give love and forgiveness.
Mark 11:23-24: Whoever says to the mountain, be taken up and cast into the sea, and doesn’t doubt in his heart, it will be done for him.
"The mind that has put its house in order is silent. That silence has no cause and, therefore, has no end. Only that which has a cause can end. That silence - which has no ending - is absolutely necessary, because it is only in that silence that there is no movement of thought. It is only in that silence that that which is sacred, that which is nameless, and that which is not measurable by thought, is. And that which is, is the most sacred. That is meditation."—Krishnamurti
J. Krishnamurti, Public talk, Madras, november 29, 1981, found in Krishnamurti, 100 years, Evelyne Blau, A Joost Elffers Book, Stewart, Tabori & Chang, New York, 1995, p.260
First memory: Yellow flowers in a bed of ice crystals: brown eyes, the closeness and full volume of love, the dewy sweet breath of ...