I think we should all reflect upon and know how to make our lives more fulfilling in love, happiness, and success, and also to maintain a peaceful mind. To keep up personal happiness, everyone must understand and ask oneself: “Why I am not happy?” Am I sincere to others and myself? Why or why not? When your mind is filled with many other things and problems, an emotional blockage occurs between the soul and the mind. Thus, messages will not be transmitted properly from soul to mind. This results in an individual having negative thoughts occupy their mind. How can one stop this? Emotional healing comes through self-examination. If you can understand where you go wrong and why you are getting negative thoughts, then you can correct yourself and become happier and healthier.
A good reference in the Bible is
Matthew 19:16-21. Actually you can read whole chapter. The passage describes the following scenario: a person approaches Jesus and asks him “what good things shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” Then Jesus answers: “Do not murder. Don’t commit adultery. Thou shall not steal. Don’t bear false witness. Honour thy father and mother. Love thy neighbour as thyself.” This passage suggests that if your heart is pure, you don’t have feel guilty. The more sincere you are the happier you feel. I believe, the important aim everyone must have is
not to hurt anyone. Don't hurt yourself by hurting others.
Observe your daily life’s events. Your conscience knows what is good for you and what is not. We as human have 2 levels of conscience:
(1) Spiritual level conscience, and
(2) Human Physical conscience.
Spiritual ConscienceSpiritual conscience is wise. It always tells you the truth, if you pay attention. It is our soul level conscience. The soul is who we really are. It is the speck of God’s Spirit within. If you can concentrate and meditate, the meditation can open up your mind’s eye. And then you can see and understand. If you cannot understand that God’s spirit is within you then, the second type of conscience, or the physical conscience controls you.
Human Physical ConscienceThe human personality is a vehicle for the soul as long as we are on earth. The Human Physical Conscience creates fear, anger, doubts, and jealousy. But the soul (spiritual conscience) you have within you, speaks to you through your mind and tells you what is right and what is wrong, so we must pay attention and listen to our innate spiritual help.
Another important thing in our lives is to keep our conscience clear and clean. The jealousy, fear, anger and doubts are obviously not favourable qualities. Instead we must practice and learn to forgive, and likewise learn to love. These will make us feel happier and sincere without any guilt in us. If your heart is pure, then that’s the path, which leads us home.
I think it’s important to look back into one’s life and see if there are any problems to correct, in order to live a good life. Ask yourself what’s your character and what kind of a person you are? What have you learned in this life? What way you are an example to others? What legacy do you want to leave behind you and what character do you want to take with you through eternity?
I believe, that the purpose of life on this earth is to learn and grow, so that we may become more spiritual beings and express the spark of divinity that is within all of us.